Online learning

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I want to learn at a distance.

Designed for motivated students who like to dictate their own tempo and be more selective in topics studied. The practical benefits to this platform are notable and it offers students a very flexible approach to learning based on their schedules and preferences.

Online courses are targeted at 6 different levels; the material provided is relevant and up to date to keep students engaged in the language. A broad range of reading/writing/listening activities are provided and the online platform gives students the chance to follow-up and add to their knowledge of the language.
Each student is allocated a tutor whose job it is to encourage and give feedback on activities done by the students, as well as monitor progress.
The online platform is completely malleable and we have experience in designing a-specific online courses based on client necessities.


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93 394 4461



Ronda San Pere, 19 5º piso 1ª puerta 08010 Barcelona


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